Oct 12, 2013

Wedding preparation: first daughter of Ishak and Syahadu

Alhamdulillah, Nur Syuhada binti Ishak a.k.a Kaksyu wedding preparation is going smoothly.

         (The decoration for the photo booth later)

 (the props for their photo booth too)

 ('bunga rewang' )

*******NEXT TASKS*******

This bride-to-be had taken all her weekend past two weeks to buy what was necessary for her new wedding room.

First of all, she brought mum n me went shopping.

the theme for her room was: everything supposed to be white
the aim for that day was:
1) buy a new paint
2) buy a new cupboard
3) buy a new bed
4) buy a new aircond

so the first place was THE PAINT SHOP!!

Trying to figure out which colour was the best for her room. wanna look like an European room.
full of classic n English style (she said)

and she decided to buy a new paint for her room which is kind of turquoise in colour =)
                                               ******** NEXT DESTINATION *********

Then, we went to find a new cupboard.....
Seriously speaking, this was the hardest mission ever for that day as there were not so many white cupboard or accessories that we can find in Kluang.

*Mum face gave a sign, " i am so tired of this girl"*
yet, she havent found her favourite cupboard for that day... *her new bed n cupboard will be updated later*

Last but not least, we went to Ayer hitam for buying what left n then paying the bills..............

Meanwhile, we had our photography session. POSE!

Other than that, another room in this house had been decorated for the purpose of enlarge our home.

a new wardrobe!

 the workers are trying their hard to install our new wardrobe

this is how our new book shelves look like >.<

Eventhough all of us are very tired to rearrange all those things, we still can work together to complete the first daughter of Ishak wedding ceremony

David Ogden Stiers 


  1. hehehe.....kak ana pny paksaan n push bru ade hasil blog nie...

  2. xde muka layha pn...org penat2 kems umah, upload gmbr shopping je...

  3. xde time laaa.. hehe. jgn mara yeeee~~~

  4. sila baca blog posting yg seterusnya....~~ more to come...
