Sep 24, 2010

MARHABAN ya raMADHAN or SYawal...??

THis IS How we wHICh exactly (fiqa n syafi..??) arrangging n decorating esPECIAlly 4 marHABAN IN Our palace!! he3

well, IT's reaLLY TIRing bcoz THEre onlY 3 WorkERS WHICH IS MUM, ME N PIAH>>
AND The cleaN OUR House compleTELY, It;s takeN ABOUt 1 hour!!

as THE food, we serVED the best fOOD for EVERYOne, enjoy! umph~~~~~ fINGer lickIN GOOd fROM PRINCess garden:

bcoz we waIT SO LOng about 2 hoURs BEFORe marhaban start, we took piCTURES by poSINg 4 all of u 2 ENJoy THEM....,

thE MARHABAN begIN AT 10 p.m AND AS eveRYBODY EXPECted.... tHE ENDing>>>>>>>


Sep 15, 2010

on the NIGHT RAYA 2010, BEcause WE have NOT Much worK TO DO so,
we (ANA,LEHA,IRah and fiqa deCIDED) TO creatE A NEW ATMOSPhere for these syawal~~

GIler penat r memusing bunga api ne~~ uuhuu

AND AS de RESUlt, we cREATE oUr namES Using fireWORKs~~

2010's hari RAYER

THEse one IS THE most SLUMBer picTURE WE have taKEN.. how is IT? ^_^

WELL, the childREN Or 'budak2'

the ladIES~~

The haPPIEst raya N FAmily evER!!

Mumy an DAD, so romaNTIS (IS IT SUppOsed To BE LIKE THAT?)

Sep 12, 2010

EppY EID daY = SELaMAT ARI rayer 2010

next POST will be more DETAil on OUr prepARATion N maKAN besar.. hee~

ketupaT home made Tue.. HEE~

~cOMPLETE familY~

Sep 11, 2010

Final Dy of RamaDHn

As usual.....evry year we all hve routine n task need to be complted on the final day of ramadhan 2 clbrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri....... Each 1 of us have our own signature task.......

The task may include wat srung ketupat (ana), kems n re-arrnge umah (kaksyu), msuk beras dlm srung ktupat (irah), blogger + kuih raya maker + miscllanious (layha), organizer kuih rya (fiqa), labour force (isa, mail, syari, syafi), chef (mummy), rebus ktupat n wt ktupt palas n kemas2 lua umah (daddy)


Hasil Kuih Raya Kebanggan kluarga (more 2 kbnggaan layha)

Our Houze need to be clean n re-arrnge (sorry pic of u cn be upload)

Staff2 yg t'libat dlm house mke over


***abah sdg mengikat..menyimpul dan mmsukkn ke dlm ikatan yg lbih besr..menggigit??***

Ketupat daun palas made by abah....aftr a lot of hardwork n wrong estimation...~~~

***************************Before n after *********************************
Ketupt jawi @ ktupt bwang@ ktupat psar @ watever u call it, hand made by the ladies in the fmily.... =)


Close up pic on the's all about eating~~

1) Ayam panggang NurIshak (kalah kenny rogers)

2) Syur msak sos tirm (this is not on the sme day but the pic look so nice)

3) Kek lapis srwak wit blueberry flavour...~~plg sdap compare to the other2 kek srwk..
4) Udang msak sos nursyahadu....~~

5) Kangkung goreng (no close up pic)

6) arca air tgan syafiqa

7) sambal stog peds2

The power of the new dining table combined with the power of mum's cooking + the other2 coz arrnging the dish, prepring the drinks, finishing the food..yeahhh!! Ishak's family tradition evry year on the last day of ramadhan...