Aug 12, 2013

second, third and forth of Syawal 1434 Hijrah

The second of Syawal went very well. 

first of all, we accepted the arrival of Kak Syu's in-law around 2 p.m.
the purpose of their arrival here were to 'beraya' and also give the dowry for the purpose of their upcoming wedding this October.

so the discussion started with the help from our neighbours; Cik Pie and Cik Su

so here is the person who nervous since morning till evening; 
p/s: the future wife to be

and while all of them discussing on the hall,all the ladies went to kitchen to settle the food or so called lunch. with the help from Isa too. in another case, Mail and Kakana were nowhere to be found.

**** but they help us technically ( picture, arranging things ) ******

the dowry!! RM 1*,***

Abg Ikhwan came to visit around 4:30 p.m.
Then, we went to Aeon Big with our sisters and Ikhwan on the noon. just to do some window shopping and buying some stuff. but there were no pictures taken as everyone were so busy.
this is self cam with faking facial expression! 
n on that night, Tam2 arrived and pick up kleha at home to bring her met her future in law in Senggarang:

Third of Syawal.................
not much to say, as for the third Raya everyone have their own activity.
first group *mak,kakana,kleha
: searching for laptop's charger, buy a new spectacles 
: Kluangmall
second group *kaksyu, isa, mail, syari, piah
: searching for new t-shirts for the upcoming ksyu's wedding, went 'beraya' to ksyu's friend's house
: Air itam & Kluangmall
; however there were no evidence to approve those activities '=.=
third group *fiqa
: searching for new bag, shopping, meeting an old friend
: Kluangmall (cc: Snogurt)
; these girl named: Noratikah binti Poniran
for the last group, not really a group but the most dedicated person of the day: ABAH!!
he did the gate alone while all of us hanging out.

*** this is the examples of the gate***

Forth of Raya....

this is the day when raya mood actually highlighted...
around 4pm. while waiting for our cousins, nephews and other relatives arrived, we went to Aeon for a walk.

*********** no pictures available************
and for the night session:
kleha, tam2, syari n piah went to Fun Fair:

Kak Ana n Ikhwan went for a date..

mak, ksyu, fiqa n mail went to classic to pick up her brand new spectacles and also for a dinner at Kenny Roger's Roaster.

p/s: and we met Kak Ana there with Ikhwan and also with mum's future in law's family;

so that is how our raya went for those four day. 


Kebahagiaan itu umpama rama-rama yang berterbangan, sekiranya kira rakus mengejarnya, ia akan lari..tetapi seandainya kita dekatinya secara perlahan,ia akan perlahan mendekati kita. Itulah kebahagiaan. Bahagia merupakan salah satu anugerah yang telah dikurniakan oleh Allah kepada manusia yang tahu menilai.Jangan mengharapkan kebahagian itu datang dengan sendiri, tetapi kita yang mencipta kebahagiaan itu. Alangkah indahnya bahagia itu. Bersyukur atas nikmat kebahagiaan yang telah diberikan pada sesiapa yang telah merasai kebahagiaan itu dan peliharalah kebahagiaan itu agar ia sentiasa dibajai dengan iman dan taqwa. 
rujukan: (

Aug 10, 2013

First of Syawal 1434 Hijrah

SelaMat Hari RaYA aIDILFITri Maaf Zahir & Batin Dari Kami Sekeluarga
Hari Raya pada tahun ini kami beraya d Kluang & Kahang sahaja. Walaupn kmpug halaman tidak smpai 1 jam perjalanan, namun kami tetap berasa gembira kerana bilangan kluarga yg sememangnya besar jumlahnya sudh mampu menyediakan keseronokannya yg t'sendiri. Sudah tentu sesi b'salam2an dan b'maaf2an sudh menjadi kewajipan selain sesi b'fotografi...Berikut merupakan adegan2 yg dpat d'lihat pada sambutan hari raya tahun ini.

Perkara pertama yg dilakukan setiap kali pagi raya ialah......B'siap2 untuk menunaikan Solat Hari Raya....
Emak telah b'penat lelah menyediakan juadah raya tatkala kaum keluarga lelaki b'siap2 untuk ke surau...

Sambil menunggu Si Lelaki selesai menunaikan Solat, Si Perempuan d'rumah sudah memulakan adegan kejut mengejut, memaksa mandi dan complete make-up mempersiapkn diri untuk sesi fotografi dn b'maaf2an... Aktiviti yg d'ketuai oleh kaksyu pd setiap tahun nmpknya tiada adegan b'gaduh2 atau menangis d'pagi raya pada tahun ini..SYABAS!!!!

kesibukan dan kecelaruan menunggu sesi b'salam2an di pagi raya
Mari Makan....penat sudah berpuasa sebulan....
Rendang ayam dan daging kesukaaan semua yg d'masak dengan rempah kasih sayang oleh Mak.
Tema warna abah dan emak pada tahun ini ialah pink & kelabu, sementara yg lain2 ade yg mengikuti tema dan ade juga yg tidak. Background family photo telah d'pilih oleh mak menggunakan latar belakang ungu.
Gmbar Kiri: Mak & Abah main acah2 sewaktu sesi b'salaman
Gmbar kanan: Mak memberitahu abah sampul warna yg betul sewaktu pemberian duit raya.
Syafiah yg sentimental sewaktu sesi b'salam2an dan b'maaf2an... Dia mula menagis bila irah ckap, "jganlah menangis".... Sangat x membantu.....
 Koleksi foto sebelum bertolak melawat atok dan nenek d' Kahang:
Fiqa yg "menyerlah" pada tahun ini kerana warna bajunya yg terang berderang
2 orandg...3 orang.....4 orang....5 orang....
Isa yang knonnya gagah.....dan ana yg knonnya ringan..
Isa yang cuba membuktikan kegagahannya lg, irah&fiqa yg cuba membuktikan ke'cute'an muka mereka apabila selfcam. Mail dgn mukanya yg ntah2 apa2 sentiasa.

Selesai sudah aktiviti d'rumah. Kami bertolak ke Kahang pada pukul 11:30 a.m. dengan menaiki Mirage dan   Honda. Sampai di kampung pada jam 12 tgh hari, melawat rumah atok pertama sekali, diikuti oleh rumah Che Minah, Pak Anjang/ Che Mat & Kemudiannya Rumah Kak Kiah & Pak Long Cin Murai.
The Girlssss......
Bergambar dgn mirage sblum bertolak ke kahang.. (Tiada gmbar dgan honda.. why arr??)
~~Hari Raya~~
Kereta...menuju ke kereta..bergambar dgn kereta...semakin rmai b'gmbar dgn kereta....
 Last but not least....lihatlah koleksi Candid gmbar2 family pada hari raya tahun ini:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Squeezing & not squeezing...
Ana bergetar menyebabkn gmbar ini kurang boleh d letakkan di facebook..x mencapai piawaian
Lebih banyak kami cuba melakukan aksi cute dan aksi OHH TIDAK!!! (Agaknya lah)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Inilah yg berlaku pada Hari Raya Pertama~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Aug 9, 2013

L@sT dAy OF RAm@dhaN

On the Last Day of the fasting month, as per previous2 year, it'll be filled with meaningful activities:

Activity No.1 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Washing, cleaning & arranging the house ::::::::::::::::::
Washing the carpet and sort out all the containers to be used during Hari Raya - Ismail & Abah
Isa washing the plate to serve the food (Sorry it's toilet/bathroom)
Cleaning the window's grill - Syariah & Feecar

 Rearrange the furniture and organize all the wiring/charger - Irah, kaksyu & layha
The King of Kad Raya for this year - From Murihan / Layha
Decorating the forgotten Kad Raya tradition on the wall - Ana (Syafiah coincidently there during the snap)

Activity No.2 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Mum's 51st Birthday ::::::::::::::::::
Kaksyu had bought a delicious Fruit Cake from JB for Mum's birthday. We ate it on the very early morning, take a break from our task and enjoy the cake.

Seriously can't find ways to rotate this picture into this blog from kaksyu's laptop - tilt ur head please.
 Activity No.3 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Ketupat Preparation ::::::::::::::::::

Ketupat Sate (Bawang & Pasar style) - crafted by Ana, Irah, kaksyu, Mak, tighten by Syafi, Syari, Layha, Feecar

Ketupat Daun Palas - Keday style by Abah & Feecar

  Activity No.4 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Food Fest - Nurishak's BBQ ::::::::::::::::::

Marinated Lamb - Ana
Marinated Beef - Ana
Marinated Chicken - Ana
Marinated souce with seaweed n pasta for pasta salad
Ingredietns for fried rice and fried by Ana

This is how the Pasta Salad being prepared, cubes of small tomato, cooked pasta, capsicum, onion, lemon and some flavour brougt by Kasyu - help by the kids, Irah & Kaksyu 

The most wanted sausage for the day
Isa prepare the charcoal for burning session
Isa taking care of BBQ meat
Ismail skewer in the meat and playing with the BBQ after that
Syari n syafi preparing the juice, ribena & milk ribena.
 Activity No.5 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Takbir Raya ::::::::::::::::::

That will be the perfect closing for this post. Takbir Raya indicate the end of Ramadhan and the start of Syawal.........