Aug 7, 2013

continuous effort in making raya cookies~!!!

so for the 3rd day:
Menu : semprit n tart ( bertelur)
Duration : almost 4 hours
Manpower : 5 people (without  mail n kleha)
Worker of the Day : ISA & MUM

So here, the process in making cookies are still going on with the less workers stand still.. * i mean till 4 a.m. kak leha n ismail were not around as kleha was going back to BP as she had to work on  the next day. 

n for Ismail cases, he always felt asleep. so he was not really there although he also helps for certain time.

 so for the 4th day:
Menu : kuih ros, kuih kacang & almond kluang
Duration : almost 5 hours
Manpower : 6 people (without kleha)
Worker of the Day : ME? 

so the contibution for each cookies goes like these:

isa n piah = kuih ros

 fiqa, mak, mail n syari = kuih kacang

everyone = almond kluang *although the last who stand up only fiqa, mak n syari

and Alhamdulillah, the raya cookies are ready to be served! >.<

100 % homemade. by: Ishak n company ( i mean his children n beloved wife )


  1. Haha... ptotla rupa kuih ros 2 xbpe nk jdi..

  2. Xpe. yg ptg ikhlas. mak malas nk buat tp dia nk gak.. haha

  3. kalau yang gambar abang ismail tidur syari yang amik dengan arahan abang isa heheheheheh.kuih kacang syari cuma susun je tu pun ada lah sikit sikit syari tekap.

  4. tahniah3.. thun depan dah leh wat kuih without guidance korg..hee~

  5. keluarga kita dah ade 2nd batch tukang2 buat kuih..
