1st day OF Baking: (3rd .sepT.2010 )
Da Eid is Coming, as usual da main point of Our HARI rayer IS our OWN biscuit @ cooKies aka KUEh rayer..
aS far AS I'm coNCERned, EVERY year we have to bake our own biscuit and cookies for Eid.
My Mom never bought it since She knew that she had Capable and ENougH worker.. haha
(she only bought the crackers or sweets since they ARE cheaper)
Usually we had at least 4 workers EVERy years..(+- mandor and the disturbor ).. hehe
But this year, since my elders sister decided to came home only on the last day of fasting so we had less co-workers.
(cet, xaci sgguh.. xpe mak suh dorg kemas umah.. haha)
OUR menu YESterdaY : KUIH SUGI~~
So let da pictures Speak for ThemseLvEs…
So if previous year we had to start baking around 3 days b4 eid, this year’s we had to start yesterday. (6 days b4)
As expected it IS Actually Harder to controlled thE KIDS (mail, syafiah…) Than doing the baking..
But as we lack of sKILLed labour (such as me, fiqa ) so we had to endure it...anyway, we can still use their energy to do laboUR work...^_^
And while we're BUSy baking, OUR parent HANg up the NEW curtains that they BOUGHT (AS Expected, it is GREEN in cOLour.. hmm~)
weLL *APPLAUSE plz*..
ISMail won da best actor award AS he always preteND asLEep when he got work to do And SMIling cheerFul when there's Somthing fUN to do..
(ISa is da one who gave him the tiTLE... haha) isa JELES sbnarnya~~
amende decide?decided by company la..camna nk balik kalo xde cuti...
ReplyDeletedats why cannot control, you yell once only every 5 minutes..shud be once evry 5 sec...
wahhhhhh...nk wat kuih juga....miss u all...cmner nie...compny x bg cuti~~
ReplyDeletexKISah r tue, ptutnya ritu bg duit sume bio mak beli kuih je..
ReplyDeletexyah ssh2 wat..
da taw sume xley balik..
da xde org nak bg, so decided r tue..
korg balik kemas umah n masak tuk makan besar~
haha...ckap sng....kuih beli mhal nk mmpos taw..da ciput je...x worth it..our mum is the best...
ReplyDeleteMslhnya , kami yg wat kat umah..
ReplyDeletemmg R da BEZ~~