Oct 25, 2013

1st Wedding - Preparation Stage

All the preparation worked only seriously started 2 weeks before The Wedding Day. 
The most important task is to make sure that the fence is completely painted and all the in house renovation is completed.

Then, Abah, Isa and Ismail helping to put on the canvas to replace the old one. (This was done during Hari Raya Haji) 

Abah Is there, Isa is there, where is Ismail (In the tree)
Abah taking a rest
Isa dedicated to his work
Secondly, Ana, Fiqa, Piah & Syari chose the plates and bowls to be serve to the VIP on the "Hari Bersanding" (Syari & Syafi din't do a good job here, they didn't washed it properly....kidsssss)

Thirdly, Kasyu had done some shopping for the bride & groom's room, equipped with air conditioning system. (Funny though, the bride was locked in the wedding's room, 3 days before the wedding..haha..due to the damage lock)

One week before the event, Tam2x arrived home at a very bad timing...so, he need to help with the cleaning & sweeping session...hahaha

All the cooking utensils arrived..

Family outfit for the wedding is ready: 

Quantity of the Henna to be used for the 'Berinai' session. 

They all posing first with the props for Wedding's visitor

'Mesyuarat TIngkap' after setting up the tent


  1. Leha kawin? Wooo... tahniah2!! Haha :D

  2. leha mne plak yg kawin nie?

  3. nice one. haha kesian tam2 dtg umah kne ngemas la plak ! '=.=
