Aug 1, 2011

SIMPLy delicioUS COKLat MAKing~


YEsterday, mum (SYAHAdu) had planned to make a chocolate,, wel seriously it such a simple things to do but need a lot of patient, hehehehe =)

SO, LET START WITH the chef which is

Then, let continues with the recipes<< what we need in making a chocolate is~~~
peanut~ (seriously almond is better~)

chocolate (with higher concentration (hehehe))

then, the next step is how we make it,, watch and learn ,,

well, a little bit messy coz we only concentrated on its tastes~ ngenegegeeg

so, this is some kind of chocolate shape that we succesfully made in our home,,

it is a rose shapes,,
beautiful isn't it ok,,
after these, we looking forward FoR syazana brownies n new made cheesecake~~!


  1. nyum2.. *wkpun xpham motif xmkan jek coklat tue tnpa bentuk*hahaha

  2. yg bentuk square 2 jd bntuk ape???
    brownie pnah jnji nk buat ker???

  3. hahaha.. jadi bentuk 4 segi r , tp de corak atasnya.. haha.. xtaw leha, jnji ko kt fiqa~~

  4. mengada budk 2....xpyah layn...
