Aug 15, 2011


This what happen when u bored to death at home.. Haha..
(technically not really death..hurm)

Actually with new installed minilyric on my lptop, this two kid prone to sing along whateva song i play becauze they can read obviously. And it actually harder to stop the yougest one (piah) from singing ( dah lah terjerit n offtune mmanjang)..
So this what happen, i record their singing and they start to request for more and more..hahaha..
ps: actually there are still much video of them, but i dont want to make it longer (fuh!! nsb bek lau x ag bjggut nk tggu upload) + some of the song they dont really sing it.. seem like they reading only some of the lyric.. ahha..

ps again : jgn contohi mereka!! bulan2 pose ne byak2 kan r beramal bukan berkaraoke..haha

ps again and again : smlam 2 jam upload video (30mb) xsiap2 pas2 lptp lak mati so i hav to low da Q r dlm bntuk flv jek .. so it takes sejam stgh tuk upload this video = 20mb


  1. rosak la bebudak nie..btw piah selalu off pitch!!

  2. tue r, ko xnmpk akak pukul dea tue.. hahaha..

  3. 'sedapnye diaorang nyanyi'

    ps. kalau isa nyanyi lagi sedap.hahahaha

  4. syafi 2 g swuh blajar ngaji bg sedap2 dlu sblum nk nyanyi...x setanding lgsung ngn kakak...

  5. dah2 la..ajo la deme ni ngaji wei!

  6. hahaha.. mslhnya xdiajar ne.. dorg self-study.. ahaha

  7. ko install la bhan2 ngaji yg ade pop-up and ceria kt laptop ko...

  8. mane aci wi,, hafal lagu kot?? hafal muqaddam r,, hahah

  9. ahaha.. akan dicuba.. skrg tgh bg dorang dgr lagu putri - voice of ummi jek..
