Dec 9, 2012

PICNIC is the best medicine for bored

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Today was the first time we went for a picnic in Gunung Berlumut during this school holiday ..
it was an awesome experience for us as we got to bath for the last 3 hours 

*actually we had not too much time as abah n isa + his gang need to complete our gate construction as soon as possible

p/s: and luckily we arrived earlier (around 8 am) because started from 9 am onward, the place was so crowded with people 

* i guess cos it was a public holiday n also it was on Sunday right?

posing before started our journey =P

yeah we arrived! 
"unpack those things" abah said
"lets go into the water" me said. 
leha said, "no i wanna eat first *with her hunger face*"

we enjoyed the water too much so the pictures were little 

 after had enough swimming practice n quiz done in the water, 
its time to say, "sayonara" see ya again gunung berlumut~!


  1. There was no comment about the cook who prepared the food for the picnicking :( :( :(

  2. kan mak da majuk!!! mak x ikot picnic ke?

  3. x ikot, aah~! lupe lak nk msokkn nme mak, ampunnnnn =P

  4. apsl mak x ikut...irah xde ea, jdik mak xnk pegi.. =P

  5. ha,,hahahahah. xsuKA AIR katanya, =P

  6. xsuka air cmne mandi tiap2 pagi...=P
