Aug 22, 2012

Seh@ri SebelUM R@ya AidilFitri 2012

As Usual..sebelum raya Our Family already busy with few activities such as Kuih Raya Preparation.. Last Minute Shopping n Makan BESAR!!!!


Syafiah yg posing jerr lebey...wt kuih so-so jer.... boley la ringnkn beban skit...

Syariah yg memang terkenal dgn kerajinannyerrr...
Antara Hasil2 awal kuih raya Nur Ishak 2012
Kakitangan Kilang Kuih Raya Nur Ishak 2012
 ~~KUIH-KUIH RAYA : Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri....Maaf Zahir & Batin~~

hOME Made Ketupat By Nur Syuhada & Syazana,,,,, Syairah sbgai tukang isi beras (So kalo lembik ke keras ke ketupatnyer salahkn irah... uahhahaha =D)
Proses Anyaman by : Nur Syahadu

 ShoppiNG New Shoes , Clothes and head scarf/ Songkok @ Bazaar Ramadhan Kluang, kluang Parade n Kluang Mall, Ismail the only one have time to snap picture with his new shoes.
Isa n Syafiah got a pair of new shoes as well, Syariah buy a pair of new jeans and new songkok for Ismail.
 This Year Last Ramadhan dinner festival was held a bit late due to Irah still working (Doctor..biasela) and can only reach home by 10 pm ..... so we delay the dinner to supper time... Menu : Steamboat....

Before makan2 they need to conduct takbir raya at our living hall first...
Set-Up n re-arrange the place to eat....
Ikan Siakap masak masam manis (Bukan untk steamboat but it's part of the dinner menu)
Mee & Kueh Teow Celur untk menambahkn keknyangan for those yg x ckup sekedar mkan lauk celur2x
Mixed Vegie utk melengkapkn zat makanan.... mushroom, carrot, brocolli n couliflower
Steamboat juz pkai kuih sup ayam, additional sosej, fresh prawn, chili sumbat isi ayam, taufu fa +  isi ayam, squid, crab fillet, kepah n kerang, some of the item is readily fried..last but not least kuah kacang (adjustment n kelainan yg mak buat utk taun nie...steamboat +kuah kacang)
To Be Continue on 1st Syawal


  1. Rayer yeah rayer..sgguh terperinci postnya..hee

  2. Syari tahusyari memang rajin .kuih konflek tu syari buat yang paling banyakdan paling cantik

  3. bagus syari,.....ade pewaris2 rajin d'rumah...
    kalo x asik dpt pearis kuat mkan jer...sush la mak...

  4. kau cakap fiqa dgn isa kan kak ana? haha
