Mar 15, 2012

It's the 4th daughter birthday~

Fall on 3rd march , its the 4th cute daughter birthday.. hee~ But since she still studying in USM penang, they only celebrated it when she came home weekend (11th March) with a cake.. Nyum2..

So, happy 22nd belated birthday to me!! haha -leha-

Thanx everyone for the present and the wishes..
ps: Kak Ana , u still owe me.. hee~


  1. Thanks for the video but a real happy marriage is having a group of loving, understanding and beautiful children. Amin.......

  2. ko nk hadiah ape ek layha?? jam dah amik ka? kalo xnk, sbb ko x pkai jam...ko bg la kt org yg nak, ismail ke (kalo dea muat)
