Mar 18, 2011

The neW looK Of OUr pARENt's ROoM

THe day to remember when mom's rOOM CHANGES it look (of course with the help of isa~)

perHHHHHH..MACho enough..??

while i'm resting, let mail take my pocition as the painter~~

this is how it's works~

aBAH helps a lot and is a very2 good worker

this kids alWAYS plAY WHEn they DO their WORK .

WHEN fiNIsh THIs IS how it's look like.

well of coz, some of MY gREATEst DesIGn.


  1. abah is so useful?? ko ingt abah tue bnde ke pe?.. ahah.. Abah is very good at doing core work ke.. okeh r gak.. dat our daddy okeh!! HEE~~

  2. sorry2,, sume kesalahan isa dan tlah pon sy marah wlopon die xnk dgor,, n da pon sy edit,, amacam?? ok x sy edit>?? ahakz~~

  3. ahahah.. lbih kurang jek korang.. it's a good try though for isa.. bguih2.. teruskan usaha korg.. pasni ko ngan isa jdi pengepost lak.. hee~

  4. ok la 2..pnat ana swuh dorg wt post nie... nsib isa nk wat.... klo x...
    .dpd org laen yg da x amik kesah ngn blog.... =(

  5. hahahaah... kak ana pye komen pedas tue tuk spe?? hee

  6. ala kaksyu..paham2 sudh...fiqa yg edit pn x perasan spelling 2 silap.....

  7. hahaha.. well, dimaafkan r~~ hee
