ON 11 ApriL 2010,
For our beloved parents 25th years anniversary , we gather everyone at home for the celebration.
(it's hard u know, coz everyone has their
own life now.. haish)
BUt we MAnage to~~~

WE celebrate at The cHIcken Rice Shop , KLuang maLL

(the PRincess + our HEro + maiL?? haha )

(family mascot's .. haha)


( the SHY girL in our faMIly )

( Our PREsent = rice cOOker + handmade anNiversaRY video )

(finaLLy, a sOLo SNAP of our cameraman => isa )
PS: shouLD be Upload it earlier but I juz GOT the chance now since the fInal exam hectic
xde pe ko tulis bwh pic ana ngn fiqa sbb keanggunan ktorg 2 x t'ucap dgn kata2 ke...haha
ReplyDeleteleha xnak lukakan hati ko n fiqa...tolonglah faham~
ReplyDeletehahaha....leha ko kat umah dah eh?
ReplyDeletebru je smpai umah smlam..
ReplyDeleteleha post ne kat usm sblum balik..
kaksyu mmg memahami ,xnak lukakan hati dorg, so wat2 speechless je r.. hua3~
jelessss......pakatan pendengkian
ReplyDeletehua3... xyah wat pakatan pon dow..
ReplyDeletekytaan tue..
pendengkian tu ape??
ReplyDeleteuish, anak org putih ne.. bhasa melayu klasik pon xtaw.. haha