May 14, 2010

HappY motHER's DaY

Sunday- 9th MAy 2010
Mother'S daY comes AGaiN........

sInce we could'nt gather everyoNe on dat Day, so we postpone the celebration to another days set by my muM ( if I not Mistaken 28/29-5) together wif father's day celebration..
But stiLL i'M home SO i guess We still HAVe minor CElebration..
wE cooK Specially for our mOm..
(it's not weird to see i'm cooking, but it's weirds to see fiqa do it .... haha)

Let see tHE reSUlt :

As i upload this picture I reALize fiqa handle the coleslAw and caRRot SUsu only, ANYTHNG dat doesn't need her to cooks..hahahaha
she doesn't help wif the kitchen cooking at all
( BUt nicE try ThoUGH girL, try harder next celebration.. hee )

aND crEDIt aLso to MAIL and SYari for their hardworking in handling the chores work..
(ISa is not hOme and syafiah is not helping ok!!.. )
Kaksyu also coming home for the lunch~~


May 2, 2010

Our Beloved PArents 25th aNNiversary

ON 11 ApriL 2010,
For our beloved parents 25th years anniversary , we gather everyone at home for the celebration.
(it's hard u know, coz everyone has their own life now.. haish)
BUt we MAnage to~~~


WE celebrate at The cHIcken Rice Shop , KLuang maLL

(the PRincess + our HEro + maiL?? haha )
(family mascot's .. haha)


( the SHY girL in our faMIly )

( Our PREsent = rice cOOker + handmade anNiversaRY video )

(finaLLy, a sOLo SNAP of our cameraman => isa )

PS: shouLD be Upload it earlier but I juz GOT the chance now since the fInal exam hectic