Dec 30, 2017

NurIshak's Family Day 2017 - Endau Beach Resort

A pretty rush planning to held a family day by end of 2017 during Public Holiday left us with little choice of venue. Most importantly is to be able to book an accommodation since we have a very big family. Successfully booked at Endau Beach Resort, Mersing/ Endau for 1st till 3rd Decmber 2017. We're going to have some games, gathering and BBQ at the facilities and by the beach (planned by Kaksyu). The resort is acceptable, they have swimming pool and quite nice but much improvement still needed.
Photos collage of everyone before reach our destination - We need to focus of capturing more Mak and Abah photos in the future
The planning:;;;
In Summary = Theme - Blue, black, white. Got Sukaneka, BBQ planning and rooms allocation
Isa is not like Ismail who loves to take photos of himself, but when we manage to get Isa's photo, this is the best shoot..
1st Day:::
We stop for a lunch and Friday Prayer at KFC Mersing Town before continue our journey to Endau Beach Resort
Arrived at the venue around 3pm, just nice for check-in time
We start with "Pijak belon" game -
Who can save their balloon from blown by others won.
Then, 'kaki satu' ..hahaha..i just name it.
Whoever can stand on one leg while being attacked and attacking others will win.
Here is the winners but I forgot already who won what game.
Their picture may give a hint.
BBQ Night on Day 1
The swimming pool photos is a combination pictures for all the day we stay there.
Selfies Day 1 + Day 2
Volleyball Day 1 + Day 2
Day 2:;;;;;;
Stroll by the beach and mini island
Few games such as "Belon Acah", "Masukkan air dlam cwan", "Musa and Harun", "Angkat Bini"
The winners and judges
More winners for Day 2 sukaneka and jumping photos
We half buried Aqil for fun
While some of us taking photos by the beach with the babies
Qays with Tokwan and Nenek
We had our dinner for Day 2 at Medan Ikan Bakar Endau.
Day 3:;;;;;
Just getting ready to go back, swimming pool first before check-out. We stop along the Mersing beach, on the way back to Kluang to had lunch and buy some Keropok Lekor.
I think this is Madihah outfit for day 3. So signify pictures for day 3.
Some Videos:;;;

- Ana The Gorgeous -

Dec 29, 2017

Random Family Pictures Update 3

The NurIshak's Family celebrating Abah's Birthday at The FaceFood Kluang in September. Not all can join but below are the pictures shared:
Abah received smartphone this year as a gift from the children.
Here are some of the memories shared when Abah and Mak visited Kaksyu at JB and also pictures of the ladies at creative corner/ street at Kluang.
The Babies::::::::::::::::::::Collection of few Muhammad Adli Irfan's photos, Nur Madihah Sofia and Muhammad Qays Rasydan Photos. Muhammad Aqil Irfan photos can be found at every post now...

Few cute babies videos - Madihah

Few cute babies videos - Aqil n Adli

Few cute babies videos - Qays

Memories of Nur Syafiah received a lot of Awards for excellence in academics at Sekolah Batu 3. The guy Q behind her is her nemesis in academic. (Can't remember his name now)

- Ana The Gorgeous -

Dec 8, 2017

Convocation Muhammad Isa - GMI : Diploma in Industrial Electronic (Mechatronic)

Pre and post convocation pictures of Muhammad Isa with our beloved mother and father. Pre photoshoot convocation is 1 day earlier as that's the only day we can gather most of NurIshak's Clan here at Putrajaya. His convocation was on Sunday at PICC where some of the kids having exams and teacher need to work.

Some of them arrived on Friday - having fun at the swimming pool first.
Saturday event - Family Gathering, pre photoshoot at Istana Kehakiman Putrajaya, Lunch at Ice Bucket.

Actual convocation on Sunday - attended by fewer family members.

- Ana The Gorgeous -