Aug 28, 2010

REnovation PARt 2

i'm waiting for sOMEONE AT home to update this blog..
BUT no one dID..
SO i guess, it's me agaIN...

dON'T ReaLLy know their motif of actiON.. but then it's cUTE.. hee~

Abah busy posing?? HEE~

no entry!!


half DONE~~

THE Colour we HAD TO choose !. there is a POST ABOUT THIS.

[ decisIOn makING]
deCIDEd : 393 indoor
392 outdoor..

it's been about a month since my last trip to home,
dun really kNOW the situation noW..
(fiqa lau bce ne pham2 r tuk update blog len kali.. pe gune pkai wifi kat umah tue )

ps: Actually i been looking for a eid song to make it as the family blog theME song, but couldn't find it.
ANyone know any LInk?? HELp me here..
so FOR THE mean times, USING maher zaIN song..

Aug 1, 2010


 ( DA biggest sNap)

wELL everyone Know OUR HOUse is on renovatioN..
we aDD 2nd Floor to our home, and iT shOUld be ready by this COming EID!!
da tragedy happen this morning,
Around 11.30 am
while i'm preparing to COok and my MUm BUSY iroNIng her 'baju kurung'
then suddenLy " KABooM"!!
WHEn my mom thought someoNe play with the cupboard SHell AND I thoUGHt someOne play on the 2nd flOor,
actuaLLy it was SOmeOne feLL from the unfinished 2nd flOor thROUGH The ceiling to the 1st floor..
dat soMEOne was MY younger sISTER = FIQa..

Luckily she fell straight  ON my mom bedroom
and regain her consciousness after that.
eventhough we care for her injury, we stiLL couldn't stoP laughing of the matTER..
anyway we pray for her quick recovery..
dat's what u get when u climb on to the in-progress renOvatiON State.

 (STair TO da heLL aka 2nd flooR.. HUHU)

(after the aCcident)

House Renovation pt 1

SOME OF THE PICTURE 4 DE CONSTRUCTION THIS FEW MONTHS.. becOZ i';m not WELL ENough since thew acciDENT. {THANx kleha 4 TELLing everYONE!!!}, there's noT MUCH pictuRE That can be UPLOaded... enjoy it!!