Jan 17, 2010

1st day to school (4 Jan 2010)

...........a bit bz, no time to update......

hehe.........here's some picture of my younger siblings...

...their 1st day to school...

* syari --- standard 1
*baby ---- pre-school (tadika agama johor)
p/s: so cute in her 'tudung'
*mail---- standard 4

Jan 10, 2010

WeddINg cerEmoNy

Salam....... NOW is my timE to UPload PIc, atleast I could conquer wiF My pic now.. hehe.. it's aBOUt aTAN'S Weddind duriNG da schOOl hOLidaY...

[ ConCLusioN of 2 weeK weDDing ]

[AlwayS epPI gurLZ ]

[wIF DA 'raJA sehaRI']

[SOlo shOT of me ANd MUm,, ayU SEh.]

[ DIS is wHAT we call REFLEctiON... pity isa NOT HERE.. hee]

[ da ONly SOlo shot of ISA durinG DA whole ceremoNy]

[ FInish OUR duty ....]
[ beING escorteD by MY muN futuRE Son In law MYBE??.. hee]

[ da ONly Pic WIf bOTH my PARENT ]



[da 'PELAMIn']

[ say CHeeSE aFTER comPLEted OUR love.. hehe]